Z Remain ファルコンZリメイン
“Z Remain” is a semi long jig designed to dart and slowly flutter on the drop. The body of this jig is chrome plated boasting the finest shine and strength and has a combined action that varies from still to fast moving. When falling, the jig can remain horizontal for a long period so that you can intentionally create a chance for a bite. This an exceptionally good Dogtooth Tuna jig! Kingfish, Amberjack, Samsonfish and reef fish such as Coral Trout, Red Bass and Emperors and others are also a great target species with the “Z Remain”.
- – High Pitch But Can Be Used As Slow Pitch Jig
- – Dart and Shimmy Falling Action
- – Great For Drift Fishing
- – Easily Controlled
- – Target Fish:
- – Grouper
- – Amberjack
- – Tuna
Real Sardine
リアル マイワシ
Real Pink back
リアル ピンクバック
Real Red gold
リアル レッドゴールド
Real Neon silver
リアル ケイムラシルバー
Real Green gold
リアル グリーンゴールド
Real Blue pink
リアル ブルーピンク
Silver plane aurora holo
シルバー プレーンオーロラホロ
Silver plane leaer holo
シルバー プレーンレーザーホロ
Red gold zebra-stripe glowing
レッドゴールド ゼブラグロー
Pink zebra-stripe glowing
ピンク ゼブラグロー
Red gold zebra-stripe glowing
シルバー ゼブラグロー