Super Drain



“Super Drain” is a jig that produces maximum action with minimum force in a deep water. In deep water with high water pressure,  the jigs action truly shines, and can create maximum action with minimum input from the angler.  The jig has a double drain-structure to produce an irregular movement which imitates a wounded and confused baitfish.  “Super Drain” is perfect for slow pitch jigging and will appeal to number of species.


  • – Slow Pitch​
    – Deep Bait ​
    – Lots of Action In Deep Water​
    – Designed To Be Fished In Slow Current​
    – Target Species:​
    – Bottom Fish​
Sizes 500g,400g,300g,200g,170g,130g


01 Sardine マイワシ
02 Back-glowing gold pink ゴールドピンク ウラグロー
03 Lightning glowing pink イナズマ グロー ピンク
04 Lightning glowing red gold イナズマ グロー アカキン
05 Lightning glowing silver イナズマ グロー シルバー
06 Lightning glowing blue pink イナズマ グロー ブルーピンク